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Sapa Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
5 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 555,– p.P.

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  • Beginne dein Abenteuer in Hanoi und entdecke in deiner Freizeit die Altstadt, köstliches Essen und großartige Wahrzeichen.
  • Übernachte eine Nacht in einer traditionellen Gastfamilie - der perfekte Weg, um die abgelegenen Teile Vietnams zu erkunden und einen echten Einblick in das Leben der Einheimischen zu bekommen. Außerdem wirst du inmitten einer atemberaubenden Berglandschaft mit hausgemachten Mahlzeiten verwöhnt.
  • Wenn du durch die sanften Reisterrassen, Wasserfälle, Berge und üppig grünen Hügel von Sapa wanderst, wird dir schnell klar, warum diese Gegend zu einer Ikone Vietnams geworden ist.
  • Entdecke die Stadt Sapa bei einem Spaziergang mit einem einheimischen Führer und probiere unterwegs einheimische Snacks - ein Markenzeichen der lokalen Lebensart.
  • Triff eine Gemeinschaft von Bergvölkern, die seit über drei Jahrhunderten in Vietnam leben. Die aus China eingewanderten H'mong haben sich im Dorf Cat Cat niedergelassen und laden dich ein, ihre reiche Kultur kennenzulernen.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Vun Art. Mit deinen Spenden hilfst du Menschen mit Behinderungen in Vietnam, indem du ihnen eine Berufsausbildung und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten bietest.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 555,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Der Nordwesten Vietnams ist eine fesselnde Mischung aus dramatischen Berglandschaften, frischer Luft und bunt gekleideten Bergvölkern. Sapa liegt an den Hängen eines wunderschönen grünen Tals und ist das Herz dieses einzigartigen Teils von Vietnam. Reise in dieses friedliche Land und treffe prächtig gekleidete ethnische Minderheiten auf dem örtlichen Markt, besuche benachbarte Dörfer und wandere durch Reisterrassen, um zu sehen, wie der Lebensstrom hier seit Jahrhunderten gedeiht. Bei diesem fünftägigen Trekking-Abenteuer hast du die Möglichkeit, die traditionelle Kultur und Küche der Bergvölker kennenzulernen und gleichzeitig die Landschaft von Sapa und Umgebung zu genießen.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Xin chao! Welcome to Vietnam. A welcome pack containing a welcome letter, your trip itinerary, a Sapa information sheet and feedback card will be waiting for you at your hotel. Please ask your hotel's reception for the Intrepid welcome pack upon arrival. In any free time, dive into the barrage of bikes, boulevards and bustling life that characterise Hanoi. Take time to explore the French colonial architecture that decorates the tangled laneways, indulge in a decadent Vietnamese coffee while people-watching from street-side cafes, or step back in time on an exploration of the Old Quarter. This evening you will be picked up by your local guide from your Joining Point Hotel (see below), or from an alternate hotel located in Hanoi's Old Quarter (advised prior to departure), between 6.30pm-7pm. Your guide will first take you for an included dinner and to explain more about the Sapa region. After dinner, you'll be transferred to the train station, where your guide you will give you your tickets for the return train journey. Say farewell to your local guide before you board the overnight sleeper train bound for Lao Cai (departing approximately 9.30pm, approximately 8 hours journey time). The train journey is unaccompanied, and you may be sharing with locals or other travellers.
  2. Tag 2

    Sapa Trek

    You’ll be met on arrival into Lao Cai in the early morning (approximately 6.00 am) by a local driver. Your driver will be picking up several other passengers travelling on to Sapa. Transfer to Sapa by minibus (approximately 1 hour), passing through dramatic scenery along the way. You have a free morning to relax and explore this fascinating hillside town. If the weather is feeling generous, enjoy unhindered views out towards the giant staircase of rice terraces that cascade down the side of the mountains. Otherwise, delight in the enigmatic mists that often shroud the Sapa hillsides. In the afternoon, begin a guided 2-3 hour moderate trek down to the hilltribe villages of Cat Cat, often taking a paved path and passing a waterfall. The villages are home to the H'mong people who originated from China about 300 years ago. The H'mong people are easily recognisable by their dark-blue or black clothing. The dye is made from the indigo plant, which is native to the area. H'mong women wear long aprons with embroidered waist-coats and have their hair rolled up into a turban-like hat, while the men wear a black skullcap. You are likely to encounter local H’mong traders, who are often described as persistent and aggressive in their sales techniques. Please respect that this approach is usually the result of the competitive nature of business, and only purchase items if you wish too. In the late afternoon, return to Sapa to spend the night in a hotel.
  3. Tag 3

    Sapa Trek

    This morning after storing your main luggage at your Sapa hotel, set off on a six hour guided trek (approximately 12 - 15 kilometres). Pass along buffalo paths and trails, as well as through several hilltribe villages and resident minority groups such as Red Zao and Tay people. This is a spectacular walk, winding through stunning scenery and elegant rice paddy terraces. Be sure to watch your footing here as there can be uneven slopes, muddy patches, and rocky inclines. The idyllic countryside scenes are like something out of a storybook, and you will encounter some of the friendliest people you could ever hope to meet. Stop for lunch along the way, and finally spend the night in the home of a H'Mong family in Ta Van Mong Village. Perhaps take some time to explore the village after you arrive, wandering down to see the locals paddling in the Muong Hoa River and the Hmong guys cruising around on their motorbikes. You’ll enjoy an included meal of delicious Vietnamese dishes for dinner tonight, prepared by your hosts.
  4. Tag 4

    Sapa/Overnight Train

    After a hearty, energy-giving early breakfast, set off on a 2-3 hour walk to Su Pan Village. Today’s trek is shorter, but the scenery is still beautiful. Take the road to Giang Ta Chai village of the Red Dzao minority via the paths between terraces and through bamboo forests. Walk past waterfalls where buffalo might cool themselves from the heat and cross a suspension bridge. Be sure to take it all in and make the most of the last of your time in these incredible surroundings. Cross Muong Hoa River, then head up to the mountain to visit the last village of the trek – Su Pan. Maybe grab a quick bowl of pho before meeting up with your vehicle for the 30 minute drive back to Sapa. Arriving in Sapa, you have a free afternoon to explore the town. Maybe get a massage to sooth trek-tired muscles, check out the local market selling produce, herbal remedies, and (very fresh) meats, pick up any Hilltribe crafts you might have had your eye on, or sit back with a drink while you look over the misty mountains. You will be picked up from your Sapa hotel between 5-5.30 pm today by a local driver. You’ll then be transferred back to the to the Lao Cai train station this afternoon (approximately 1 hour). You will have some free time for an optional dinner before you board the overnight train to Hanoi. Boarding commences approximately 7.30pm for an 8.30 pm departure (journey time approximately 8 hours).
  5. Tag 5


    Your adventure ends upon arrival at Hanoi train station in the early morning (around 5am). The rest of the day is free for you to soak up the grace of this dynamic city that's the epitome of modern Vietnam.
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Leistungen 2024

  • Gastfamilie (1 Nacht), Hotel (1 Nacht), Schlafwagenübernachtung (2 Nächte)
  • 3x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Geführte Wanderung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Hanoi, Vietnam
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